Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Mortgage Prepayment Guide

Keith Gumbinger

front of white manor home Whether to prepay a mortgage or not is a common concern among homeowners, both first-timers and seasoned veterans. At first glance, the concept might seem simple; after all, who wouldn't want to retire a long-running debt early, potentially save a bundle of interest cost and build home equity more quickly?

In reality, though, it's a complex issue, revolving around how you feel about and manage your debts, how savvy you are as an investor, how finely tuned your financial planning skills are and whether or not you've got the fiscal discipline needed to get valuable results.

In this multi-part guide, we'll help you understand the issue more clearly and give you the tools and strategies you need to calculate savings and create a mortgage prepayment plan that works for you.

While we'd suggest taking the time to read the guide in its entirety, you can use the article navigation on the left to read up on a specific topic. If nothing else, at least start with "Should I prepay my mortgage?" to help frame the discussion.

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