Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?



The rewards of owning a home are many, but so are the responsibilities and challenges. In the channels below, you'll find tips, tricks and help to make everything from saving money to saving your home from foreclosure a little easier.

Homeowner tools

Reckon the current value of your home with MyHPI, our home value estimator.


Generate a payment-by-payment amortization schedule for your loan quickly and easily.


Our TriRefi calculator will show you the best way to pay for your refinance.


Tell us when you want your loan to end and learn the exact prepayment you'll need to hit that goal.


See more homeowner help from HSH

  • Mortgage Management
  • Trade up/Vacation/Second Home
  • Maintaining/Improving Your Home
  • Selling Your Home
  • Renting your home
  • Taxes and Homeowership
  • Loan Modifications/Workout Solutions

Common Homeowner Questions

If your home has been on the market, you're probably dreaming of the day you receive an offer that you can accept. But reaching an agreement doesn't mean your home is as good as sold.

Selling your home is time consuming and has high stakes financially. Knowing how to handle the process and what mistakes to avoid can net you a better sale price while also getting the whole thing over with more quickly.

Spring will be here before you know it. If you're thinking about selling your home, you need to determine now if any of your neighbors might sabotage your home sale.

Search for more answers here

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