Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

How to refinance your mortgage


Thinking about refinancing? HSH.com has everything you need to help you get your refinance underway. We can help you determine whether refinancing is right for your situation, show you how to compare and minimize refinancing costs, provide you with strategies to achieve your goals and even help you locate lenders to handle your new mortgage. Using our articles, tools and calculators, you can feel confident that you are getting the best possible deal for your situation.

5 stages of a refinance

Refinance tools

Our TriRefi calculator will show you the best way to pay for your refinance.


PreFi: Prepayment can bring equivalent or even greater savings than refinancing.


Tell us the rate you want your loan to be and we'll tell you the prepayment needed to achieve it.


The classic "breakeven scenario" calculator to see if refinancing can save you money.


Common refinance questions

While there may be a "no cost" refinance option available to you, this doesn't mean your refinance will be free.

Many homeowners think they need a big chunk of equity to refinance. But in fact, it's possible to refinance with very little equity or even none at all.

Search for more answers here

See more of our refinance information here

  • Should I refinance?
  • How To Refinance
  • What does a refinance cost?
  • Refinance mortgage rates
  • Refinance Mistakes
  • Refinance Timing
  • Refinancing Strategies
  • Financial trouble and refinancing
  • Refinancing problems and issues
  • General Refinance

Refinance How To

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