Where are home values rising... or falling? And by how much? See home value trends in 400+ metro areas with HSH.com's Home Value Tracker.

Where are home values rising... or falling? And by how much? See home value trends in 400+ metro areas with HSH.com's Home Value Tracker.

Meet Our Editorial Staff

Keith Gumbinger
Vice President, HSH.com
About Keith T. Gumbinger Keith Gumbinger, Vice President of HSH Associates. A 30+ year expert observer of the mortgage and consumer debt industries, Keith has been cited in tens of thousands of articles covering a wide range of consumer finance topics. These have appeared in publications and outlets including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Money Magazine, the New York Times, Kiplinger publications, US News and World Report, BusinessWeek, Forbes, Bottom Line Publications, and dozens of local newspapers. He has been a featured guest on NPR Radio and Oprah Winfrey's XM Radio program with Jean Chatzky, and has been occasionally seen on CNBC, CNN and the national news broadcasts for ABC, CBS and NBC television networks.
Jacqueline Leppla
Gina Pogol
Craig Berry
Michele Lerner
Tim Manni
Constance Gustke
Margarette Burnette
Ilyce Glink
Chris Birk
Dan Rafter
Steve Cook
Susan Ladika
Craig Guillot
Aaron Crowe
Marcie Geffner
Brian O’Connell
April Dykman
Poonkulali Thangavelu
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
Erik J Martin
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