Where are home values rising... or falling? And by how much? See home value trends in 400+ metro areas with HSH.com's Home Value Tracker.

Where are home values rising... or falling? And by how much? See home value trends in 400+ metro areas with HSH.com's Home Value Tracker.

Home Value Tracker: What's happening with home prices?

Keith Gumbinger

Wondering what's happening with home values in your market? HSH's Home Value Tracker can help you find out. HVT will show you what's happening with home values over the last quarter, last year and over the last few years. Plus, you can use the MyHVT tool to see what's happened to your home's value over the time you've owned it!

Covering over 400 of the nation's housing markets, HSH.com’s Home Value Tracker uses one of the Federal Housing Finance Agency's (FHFA) Home Price Indexes to calculate home price changes in each of these areas over a range of fixed time periods.

Below, we show:

We show home price changes over a range of fixed time periods. You can do your own custom time period calculation for a market by selecting the Tracking Tool link, which will allow you to see changes in home values for any period in the last 28 years and help you reckon what your house is worth today. Learn more about the FHFA data we use in our calculations.

On a year-over-year basis, here are the top 10 metropolitan areas that recorded the fastest rates of home price appreciation:

10 metro areas with the largest home price increases -- Third Quarter 2024

Metro Area Last quarter 2 qtrs ago 1 year ago 3 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Custom Period See Mortgage Rates
Cumberland, MD-WV 6.16% 3.16% 24.58% 36.52% 56.57% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Cumberland, MD-WV
Parkersburg-Vienna, WV 10.76% 3.56% 23.28% 32.08% 52.79% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Parkersburg-Vienna, WV
Danville, IL -3.66% 11.44% 19.62% 18.77% 42.08% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Danville, IL
Elmira, NY 1.26% 6.03% 16.60% 28.29% 42.48% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Elmira, NY
Victoria, TX 9.07% 6.52% 15.59% 32.12% 58.91% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Victoria, TX
Rome, GA 3.01% 6.58% 13.94% 36.94% 76.14% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Rome, GA
Texarkana, TX-AR 6.85% 3.72% 13.11% 29.40% 55.72% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Texarkana, TX-AR
Valdosta, GA 4.53% -0.28% 12.61% 32.86% 58.44% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Valdosta, GA
Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ 3.56% 6.89% 12.47% 42.87% 88.02% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ
Hammond, LA -1.21% 2.23% 12.27% 18.59% 35.79% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Hammond, LA

See home price changes in your local market

See home price changes in your local market -- Third Quarter 2024

First select state, then choose the metro closest to you

Metro Area Last quarter 2 qtrs ago 1 year ago 3 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Custom Period See Mortgage Rates
My Metro % % % % % - -

On a year-over-year basis, here are the top 10 metropolitan areas that recorded the slowest rates of home price appreciation or posted home value declines:

10 metro areas with the smallest home price increase or largest decrease -- Third Quarter 2024

Metro Area Last quarter 2 qtrs ago 1 year ago 3 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Custom Period See Mortgage Rates
Punta Gorda, FL 2.47% -2.44% -4.94% 17.03% 64.34% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Punta Gorda, FL
Lake Charles, LA -2.18% -2.62% -4.62% 2.00% 12.12% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Lake Charles, LA
Glens Falls, NY -6.07% 0.17% -4.00% 19.98% 50.10% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Glens Falls, NY
Shreveport-Bossier City, LA -3.22% -1.80% -2.88% 8.95% 24.10% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Shreveport-Bossier City, LA
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL -0.39% -0.78% -2.44% 19.50% 67.84% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL
Houma-Thibodaux, LA -0.39% 0.98% -2.41% 9.70% 20.89% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Houma-Thibodaux, LA
Vallejo, CA -4.63% -3.37% -2.08% 1.09% 27.34% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Vallejo, CA
San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA -4.68% -2.84% -1.66% 14.76% 40.19% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA
Lawton, OK -2.33% 1.59% -1.21% 20.28% 41.56% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Lawton, OK
Monroe, LA -1.45% -3.55% -1.15% 8.77% 21.50% Tracking Tool Shop refinance rates for Monroe, LA

More about HVT and our methodology

HSH's HVT uses a Federal Housing Finance Home Price Index as its basis. HPI are broad measures of the movement of single-family house prices. They have been published by the FHFA and precursor agencies since the fourth quarter of 1995.

The base HVT data is a weighted, repeat-sales index; it measures average price changes in repeat sales or refinances of the same properties.

HVT is based on an "all transactions" index involving conforming, conventional mortgages purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Only mortgage transactions on single-family properties are included; this includes both purchases and refinances. Because refinancing depends on market conditions and does not occur with any regularity, the data is not seasonally-adjusted and so may be subject to wider swings than a smoothed-out, seasonally-adjusted indicator. As well, the HVT does not include property transactions backed by FHA, VA, USDA or private-market non-conforming (i.e. jumbo) mortgages.

This means that changes in values in some high-cost markets where jumbo mortgages dominate (such as the San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City and San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA metro areas) may not be as well represented as other areas, even with a conforming loan limit of $1,186,350 in 2024. Although refinancing transactions are likely captured in the data, many home purchases may not be.

For each market, the index uses 1995 home prices as a basis. Those dollars are "normalized" to a value of 100 for each market; that is, regardless of the actual dollar cost, the index value for a given market becomes 100. For example, a home price in Allentown, PA in 1995 might have been $65,000; this becomes a base value for Allentown of 100, and changes since then are presented as percentage changes from that initial 100 value.

The HVT base data is updated each quarter as additional mortgages are purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and shows the relative change in prices in a metropolitan area from quarter to quarter or time period to time period.

The FHFA uses the revised Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Divisions as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Bulletin 20-01. If specified criteria are met and an MSA contains a single core population greater than 2.5 million, the MSA is divided into Metropolitan Divisions.

For more details on the HPI and how it is put together, see https://www.fhfa.gov/faqs/hpi

Rising home values and paying down your mortgage mean a growing equity stake. To reckon how much home equity you have today, or to plan for a specific future home equity goal, use HSH's KnowEquitysm Home Equity Calculator and Projector.

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