Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

ARM Indexes: Monthly Median Annualized Cost of Funds

Source: Office of Thrift Supervision

Full name: National Monthly Median Cost of Funds Ratio for OTS-Regulated SAIF-Insured Institutions

Please note: The Monthly Median Annualized Cost of Funds has been discontinued by its source. Information about the discontinuation and a replacement index can be seen below.

The average cost of funds ratio is defined as the sum of the period interest paid and accrued on deposits (excluding escrow deposits), FHLB advances, and other borrowings, divided by the average period balance of deposits (excluding escrow deposits), FHLB advances, and other borrowings. The median cost of funds is the midpoint value of individual institutions' cost of funds ratios.

The series reflects cost of funds for OTS-Regulated, SAIF Insured Institutions. The OTS does not regulate all SAIF-Insured Institutions and non-regulated institutions are not required to file Thrift Financial Reports nor monthly Cost of Funds reports.

After the incorporation of the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) into the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in 2011, reporting for the Monthly-, Quarterly and SemiAnnual National Median Cost of Funds reports are discontinued. The last monthly figure became available on February 15th; the final quarterly on March 15. See this announcement in the Federal Register. In it, the OCC provides guidance on a substitute index to replace the MMCOF; the Federal Cost of Funds should be used in its place. Servicers are urged to download a copy of the Federal Register for their files.


ARM Indexes: Monthly Median Annualized Cost of Funds from December 2010 to December 2011

Date Monthly Median Annualized Cost of Funds
Dec-2011 1.16000
Nov-2011 1.20000
Oct-2011 1.22000
Sep-2011 1.25000
Aug-2011 1.28000
Jul-2011 1.31000
Jun-2011 1.34000
May-2011 1.37000
Apr-2011 1.39000
Mar-2011 1.43000
Feb-2011 1.44000
Jan-2011 1.48000
Dec-2010 1.53000

3-Month TCM
6-Month TCM
1-Year TCM

More ARM Indexes & Info

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