Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

ARM Indexes: Cost of Deposits Index (CODI), 1985-2013

The Certificate of Deposit Index (CODI) is the 12-month average of the monthly average yields on the nationally published secondary market 3-Month Certificate of Deposit rates. Information on monthly yields on 3-month certificates of deposit (secondary market) is published by the Federal Reserve Board.

Please note that the data series which produces CODI has apparently gotten very thin, and monthly data may or may not be available at times. The Federal Reserve notes in a footnote on publication H.15 that "Responses are not reported when the number of respondents is too few to be representative."

Note: After months of having insufficient data to publish, the Federal Reserve ceased publication of the underlying secondary market CD rates that comprise CODI on December 16, 2013.


ARM Indexes: Cost of Deposits Index (CODI), 1985-2013 from June 2012 to June 2013

Date Cost of Deposits Index
Jun-2013 0.22917
May-2013 0.24000
Apr-2013 0.24750
Mar-2013 0.25500
Feb-2013 0.26167
Jan-2013 0.26833
Dec-2012 0.28250
Nov-2012 0.30333
Oct-2012 0.31833
Sep-2012 0.33000
Aug-2012 0.33750
Jul-2012 0.34000
Jun-2012 0.33500

3-Month TCM
6-Month TCM
1-Year TCM

More ARM Indexes & Info

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