Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

Another spring, same story. Here's an update to our discussion of What's holding back the housing market?

About HSH's Loan Data

About HSH's Loan Data

HSH offers statistics on mortgage rates and consumer loan rates, including mortgage rate data and mortgage pricing. Mortgage pricing includes 30- and 15-year FRMs as well as a variety of ARMs, particularly hybrid ARMs. Limited info is available on other loan types. HSH also has over 25 years of first-mortgage pricing. Ask about licensing our data for use in your application.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Loan Data

See the complete list of stats we offer

Why are HSH rates & statistics higher than...?

HSH's free statistics are 'combined' averages which include both conforming and jumbo mortgages. These give a realistic picture of local mortgage markets, particularly important in high-cost areas. Our FRMI is widely quoted in media coast to coast.

We have decades of history on conforming mortgages and jumbo mortgages.

What is the FRMI?

HSH's Fixed-Rate Mortgage Indicator (FRMI) averages 30-year mortgages of all sizes, including conforming, the new expanded conforming, and jumbo. The FRMI has been published as a continuous series since the early 1980s. Separate statistical series for conforming and jumbo loans have long been available to HSH clients.

How are HSH's statistics different from...?

HSH Associates, Financial Publishers has conducted the same objective, editorial survey every week for 25 years in metropolitan areas nationwide. We collect up-to-date mortgage rate info from about 2,000 direct lenders across the USA. Other HSH surveys collect data for new/used auto loans, home equity product, and other consumer/installment loans.

Our information comes from our editorial survey; we get our information from direct interviews with lending officers. It's street-level pricing, not what's posted in the lobby. All information is subjected to strict quality-control procedures before it's accepted for our databases. It's essential for projected mortgage rate pricing.

We start with the largest database of first mortgage pricing in the world. Our survey of over 2,000 lenders dwarfs any other regularly conducted survey -- by as much as ten times. Other averages you may see survey as few as 100 lenders -- and, in some cases, even less. Some surveys don't even include loans that borrowers in high-cost areas (like most metropolitan areas) need.

Because HSH surveys in so many areas, and gathers pricing that fits the needs of those local markets, HSH statistics are more reflective of the needs of more borrowers.Some are available at no cost; others are available at reasonable prices.

The information below applies to both the 'raw' data collected, and to the statistics extracted from it.

HSH offers available statistics (and time series) at realistic costs for a wide variety of mortgage information to meet your needs.

Available Statistics Series
  • Hybrid ARM statistics, conforming (more info)
  • Hybrid ARM statistics, jumbo
  • FRM first-mortgage statistics, conforming
  • FRM first-mortgage statistics, jumbo
  • FHA 30-year FRM statistics
  • ARM statistics by governing index
  • Home Equity Line of Credit statistics
  • Home Equity Loan (single disbursement) statistics
  • New Auto Loan statistics
  • Used Auto Loan statistics
New! Agency jumbo statistics -- also known as expanded conforming and jumbo conforming statistics -- are available exclusively from HSH.

HSH averages are the Average Offered Interest Rate for a wide range of products and programs. Statistics are derived from the objective, editorial survey we've conducted every week for 20 years. Our data are used regularly by Fortune 500 companies, lenders, secondary markets, and the US Government.

The information we provide at no charge is simply what it says it is:i.e.,"Average 30 year Fixed Rate Mortgage" is:

  • the average interest rate, typically for an "A" quality borrower;
  • the average interest rate for 30-year fixed rate loans of all loan sizes;
  • the average interest rate for a wide range of total point levels (usually from about 0-3), discount and origination combined;
  • the average interest rate for all 30-year conforming and jumbo conventional (non-gov't) mortgages;
  • The average interest rate for LTV ratios, generally ranging from 75% - 95%.
  • Covering a range of commitment periods and locks, most commonly from 30 to 60 days (depending upon market conditions);

Several of our free statistical series do display points. They are:

  • The average total points being charged, discount and origination combined.

In the case of Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), all of the above is true, with the following addition:

  • The average of the introductory rates being offered, including "teaser" rates

(A "teaser" is specifically an initial interest rate that is below that of the underlying index value that governs future interest rate changes).

In the case of hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), all of the above is true, with the following addition:

  • The average is for the fixed interest rate period only (i.e. 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, etc).

They are available in weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual intervals. Several statistical series run back as far as 1980.

How can I get the latest information?

What would you like?Our free current stats include a daily roundup, and you'll find weekly statistics by state and by city, including average FHA rates.

How can I get historic rates & statistics or jumbo and conforming rates & statistics?

Our wide-ranging, 20-year database of mortgage pricing can generate statistics in almost any combination possible.You'll be able to authoritatively address issues like:

  • "What is the historical spread between Jumbo mortgages and the 10-year Treasury?"
  • "I need to know the average of one-year nonconforming ARMs from only Commercial Banks operating in southern states."
  • "What was the median interest rate for 15-year Jumbo FRMs offered by mortgage bankers versus thrifts in 1989?"
  • "I'm in litigation, and I need a week-by-week history of a particular lender's loan rates."

Current or historical data can be combined into competitive market analysis programmed to your specifications, including true APR, multiple regression analysis, and more. See our industry services catalog.

We have the information that you need, at realistic prices.

What if I need more than just statistics -- or customized data?

HSH is an information provider.We're in the business of supplying the data our clientele need -- past, present, and future.

In addition to ongoing surveys, HSH sells extracts of its vast database of past data -- the specific rates and terms offered by lenders, and collected by us over the past two decades. The same criteria which apply to our statistics apply to the data behind them.You can purchase info on a specific lender, or lenders, for a specified time period in the area(s) of your choice.This can be handy if, for example, you're involved in litigation, or if you're a lender looking for market intelligence on competitors in an area you want to move into.

Do you have...

Product share / origination statistics? Sorry, no. This is not available from HSH.
Housing price appreciation figures? Sorry, no. This is not available from HSH.
Home sales? Sorry, no. This is not available from HSH.
Refinance share? Sorry, no. This is not available from HSH.
Commercial Loan Rates? Sorry, no. This is not available from HSH.

Likely candidates for this type of information include HUD (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) or the Mortgage Bankers Assoc. of America.

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